Articles about the first movie

2. Movie

Bravo (German magazine)- several articles from different years
special page

Pop/Rocky (German magazine)- several articles from different years
special page

American Cinematographer
issue: 08/09 1984, pages 64-69 (Fotos von Marco Engler, vielen Dank)

Cinema (German magazine)
issue 71, 4/84, pages 1, 7, 13, 18-33, 97, 164
issue 72, 5/84, pages 1, 5, 88-101
special page

Video Magazin
issue 4/84; searching scans

issue 03/85; S. 1, 16-19; scans from Maciej (Atreyu). Thanx
issue 04/85; S. ?; scans from Rixi Trixi. Thanx

issue 01/86; S. ?; scan from Rixi Trixi. Thanx

issue 02/86; S. ?; scan from Rixi Trixi. Thanx

issue: ???; scans from Maciej (Atreyu). Thanx

issue ???;

issue: ???; searching scans !!!

issue: ???; searching scans !!!

issue 10/84; pages 1, 3, 5, 7-11

issue 9, feb 1984; scan from Rene, thanx

MAD (Germany)
issue 184, pages 1, 5-8, 10-12

Filmillustrierte (German magazine)
issue 4/84; pages 1, 3, 4, 18-22

Die Bunte (German magazine)
issue 5.4.1984; pages 1, 24, 189; scans from Marco, thanx ;-)
issue 12.4.1984; pages 1, 188, 189; scans from Marco, thanx ;-)

Freizeitrevue (German magazine)
issue 15/84 (5.4.1984); pages 1, 6, 7; scans from Marco, thanx ;-)

Stern (German magazine)
issue ?/?; Seite 112

Video prospect

AOK-Magazin (magazine of a German health insurance), issue ???, page 3; scan from Noodle, thanx ;-)

Neuer Film Kurier Number 330, issue April 1984
special page

Czechoslovakian Magazines, Information und Scans from Jiri Bernasek (thanx)

The film first appeared in theaters here perhaps in 1987, but I totally missed that. On 27-12-1987 it first appeared on TV though, and everyone fell in love to that movie. Between other stuff-for-children available here it was a shock, the best film ever... I was 13 at the time, and the movie is deep inside my heart ever since, although I had to wait long 9 years before I was able to see it again, or 14 years before I was first able to read the book (which changed me quite a bit, again, by the way).

The first scan just shows a part of the original TV magazine (the official and only one) for the evening of TV premiere.

Second is an article from magazine called "Sedmička Pionýrů", published on 2-9-1988 (i.e. September), which was a magazine connected to one of Communist organizations, targetting school kids' activities after school. Under the titles "Movie that our readers are asking for", "Wide shores of Fantasia / are in each of us, if...", the article on 1+2 pages gives some interesting info, and quotes Wolfgang Petersen, Brian Johnson, and Noah Hathaway (apparently from available intrerviews).

Third is only vaguely related. It comes from a magazine called "Dikobraz", published 8/1988. The magazine was primarily a drawn-jokes paper, but marginally focused also on criticism of problems in the economy and market (as far as the Communist state allowed). This article, under the title "Story, that never ends (?)" is interview with a representative of Albatros, the company publishing books for children, about problems with (non-)availability of The Neverending Story book. It reveals, that due to book production being precisely planned years ahead (in the communist Czechoslovakia), only 15000 copies were printed, as requested back in 1984, when no-one really knew the story and it's future popularity, and released on 26-05-1988. Immediately sold-out... (Personally, I never saw this edition, not even a glimpse). The interview then suggests (apart from digging into the background of contracts etc.), that a re-print is out of question, and the first available date for another edition is 1991, under condition that TV re-runs the movie also. It documents the strange ways of Czechoslovak books production back then, and reminds of the first little-known edition of the book. As we now know, the whole communist state collapsed in 1989, so the plans for a 1991 edition were never fulfilled. The Neverending Story was again published in 2001, in a brand new translation, again by Albatros.

Unknown, searching information and scans
 Lookin, issue ???
 HotDog - Cute Creatures from the movies
 Photo, issue ???
 ??? (may be Pop/Rocky?)