Tami Stronachreel Tamara Stronach birth 31. Juli 1972, Teheran, Iran Tamis website |
Tami's film career Tami nach der UG Tamis Neueste Filme Tami heute interview in the Stern magazine Links Literatur |
1983/84 Neverending Story as Childlike Empress |
2008 Fredy a Zlatovláska (Tschechischer TV-Film) als Panenka z krámku kuriozit mehr ... |
Premiere ?
Auftritt in Joachim Fuchsbergers "Auf los geht's los":
Single LP "Fairy Queen"
I did a search on her new film appearance "Fredy a Zlatovláska", as that's supposed to be a Czech one.
I've found an interview with Tami in a Czech on-line magazine, including some images from the film, and a short interview on video. It says, that "Fredy a Zlatovláska" is just a small side-project. The more important project Tami is working on, is a new Czech fantasy film "Poslední z Aporveru", which is not finished yet. The interview also briefly talks about Prague, Tami's dance career, and how much people remember her role in TNES.
I didn't see "Fredy a Zlatovláska" myself, but comments on the web are very negative (like "worst I've ever seen", "amateurism", or "is this a joke?!"). This is really just a small appearance, and not any significant project. The other movie looks more exciting, though:
Known facts (according to various websites):
Title: "Poslední děti Aporveru" or "Poslední z Aporveru" ("Last children
of Aporver" or "The last of Aporver")
Starring: Tami Stronach, Susan May Pratt, Jakub Prachař, Petr Forman
Director: Tom áš Krejčí
Release date (Czech): 11.11.2010
Release date (US): Not known yet
It's said to be a relatively big and expensive project (in Czech context), building on the style of Karel Zeman (a notable Czech trick-movie artist of 50's); TNES is said to be also one of the inspiration sources. The story will be about a boy Rybli and a girl Maysa, whose love is going to save the world of Aporver.
Czech article about the movie
Movie trailer
1993-1995: Singing
BR&ON, album 'Sound effects', track 'See Where Your Mind Goes'
BR&ON, album 'Machines On Overload', tracks '10. Jewboy's Got A
Sawed-Off' (mp3),
'See Where You Mind Goes (long version)'
Quirky Works,
Quirky Works)
1995: Tami Stronach graduated from SUNY Purchase with a BFA in Dance in 1995. She has toured to Taipei, Taiwan, and to the La Boule Dance Festival in France with The Purchase Dance Corps. She was awarded the Thayer Fellowship in the Arts for excellence in Dance and Choreography in 1995. Her choreography has been shown in the US as well as London. Ms. Stronach teaches dance and works as a personal trainer in NYC. She is a Certified Producer at Manhattan Neighborhood Network.
since 1997: Yoga teacher Tami has been teaching Yoga for the last five years. Her educational background includes; a BFA in Dance from Suny Purchase, a certification to teach the Ashtanga Primary Series through It's Yoga in San Francisco (1999), and a certification of completion of Alison West's Teacher Training program at Yoga Union (2001). She currently teaches at New York Sports Club, Go Yoga and privately. Tami also works as a choreographer, and free-lance dancer. Her study of the body and movement has been a lifelong interest. (Links: Go Yoga)
1998 Video Cha-Cha!, presents the video dance works of choreographers; Rosa Mei, Fausto Matias, Michael A. Carson, Dale Fournier, Tami Stronach, Paz Tanjuaquio, Toshiko Oiwa, and Gabriele Kroos. Co-producers Tami Stronach of Stronach Dance Company and Dale Fournier of Free Range Arts, created Video Cha-Cha!as a viewing forum that will expose the general public to dance and performance works, while creating a wider audience for live performance. They conceived Video Cha-Cha! while participating in The Field's Independent Artists Challenge grant. (Links: Free Range Arts)
Feb 2000 The Orchid Show,
The Neta Dance Company (renamed
last year from Neta Pulvermacher & Dancers) premieres the new evening
length work, The Orchid Show, a unique collaboration between Israeli
choreographer Neta Pulvermacher and the witty, idiosyncratic, English
rock band XTC (Andy Partridge and Colin Moulding). The Orchid show is
set in a whimsical, psychedelic and mirthful swamp, where other worldly
beings, insects and ordinary mortals come to life and their stories
unfold. Collaborating with Pulvermacher on this work are also,
video-artists, Karen Dunn and Katia Moorman, and costume designer,
Maile Okamura.
The Orchid Show, choreographed, written and directed by Neta Pulvermacher
is an evening in three parts: River of Orchids, Apple Venus and The
Orchid Show. The first track off of XTC’s newest album, Apple Venus,
River Of Orchids provided Pulvermacher with the inspiration for her
choreographic foray into the world of Orchids. The result is a tour de
force solo that Neta created for company dancer, Maile Okamura, who is
an orch going about her swamp, dancing from lily pads to lily pad.
Performed by: Maile Okamura, Jeremy Laverdure, Jason
Marchant, Brittany Reese, Christina Towle, Tami Stronach and
Neta Pulvermacher. (Links:
Neta Pulvermacher,
The Neta Dance Company,
XTC Site,
Photograph by Anja Hitzenberger)
Tami Stronach's three dances, seen Saturday at Williamsburg Arts neXus,
are full of direct, expressive dancing, highlighted by the performance
of Stronach herself. Her choreography is carried by each of her dancers'
personalities and brims with communication. She finds several guileless
ways to involve the audience in her experience. For her improvisatory
duet with Tony Ramos, "CD Rama," audience members contribute the
soundtrack by bringing in music from home. Before "Love Particles,"
bubble gum is circulated among the crowd, to be chewed during a specific
section of the dance. We also answer questionnaires about our memories
of first kisses, which are read aloud.
A solo, "Mother Tongue," opens the show. Technically astute, with
multiple cells of screen projection -- images culled from Stronach's
parents' archeological work in Iran when she was a child, created by
Katya Moorman and Karen Dunn -- the dance is visually quite striking.
It's not always exactly clear what Stronach is dancing "about" in
relation to the images behind her, but a sense of storytelling is always
present in her vocabulary. Her phrases have the clarity of language,
punctuated by gestures that sometimes echo those seen previously in the
Ramos and Stronach make an engaging pair in "CD Rama." The musical
selections Saturday night were humor heavy, including the theme to
"Wonder Woman" and "The A Team." Stronach displays the same kind of
presence when she thinks on her feet as she did in Neta Pulvermacher's
"Jill in Brazil" -- a combination of acting and movement invention that
is immediately inclusive, always reaching beyond the fourth wall. When
the pair indulge in "pure" movement interludes between musics, their
form is as emotionally evocative as their schtick is entertaining.
"Love Particles" presents an all-girl, gowned romp where slumber
partygoers compare their boyfriends and revel in their crushes. Jessie
Green, as "Dolores," performs a fine comic monologue. Fred Astaire
croons as we all blow bubbles cheek to cheek. Perhaps whimsy is
stretched a bit too far here, but Stronach's craft is always assured.
Four audience members are pulled onto the dance floor for an
appropriately gawky finale. (Links:
Dance Insider,
Williamsburg Art neXus,
Photograph by Anja Hitzenberger)
Juli 2000 Love Particles, The Tami Stronach Dance Troupe recently performed "Love Particles," a piece in which couples are connected by strings of bubble gum, in Bartos Theatre as guests of Associate Professor Ted Selker of the Media Lab. He is interested in integrating technology into dance and exploring ways that technology can be used to smooth interaction between audience and performers. (Links: Tech Talk, Photo Donna Coveney)
März 2001 NEW STUFF, Kari H curates an evening of performance by Parijat Desai, Miguel Gutierrez, Athena Malloy, and Tami Stronach. (Links: The Village Voice)
2001 Jill in Brazil,
is the second installment of Neta Pulvermacher's successful, year-old
"The Orchid Show." Both chapters are narrated by "Jill St. John," a drag
queen, lip-synching orchid fancier, surrounded by a rolicsome bouquet of
hothouse beauties in astroturf and plastic, dancers who double as potted
plants and backup singers. The Brazil episode takes the passionate
Ms. St. John on a mythical journey South, into a mysterious cave, in
search of specimens of her beloved flora. Along the way she encounters
song, dance and storytelling on the primordial origins of the orchid
family. She even stops to whip up a batch of orchid ice cream.
Choreographed, Written & Directed by Neta Pulvermacher
Performed by: Tracy Dickinson, Jeremy Laverdure, Jason, Marchant,
Maile Okamura, Brittany Reese, & Tami Stronach (Links:
Neta Pulvermacher,
The Bat Theater Company,
Dance Insider,
Okt. 2001 Mother Tongue: a dance work for recorded sound and
cello Tami Stronach Dance
NYSCA - New York State Council on the Arts -BAC 2002 Regrant Recipients:
Troika Ranch for Tami Stronach Dance - Mother Tongue: Across Cultures
Juli. 2001 A Million Afternoons: Kate Weare's "A Million Afternoons" gave a tension-filled glimpse of two very different women (the lush Weare and the shorter, determined Tami Stronach) with carefully calibrated development. (Links: The Examiner)
Nov 2002 Signals of Distress, Poignant details resonate, such as portly Smith's forlorn affection for another's man's neglected dog (gracefully portrayed by Tami Stronach), or his moral slow burn at the treatment of an injured slave chained up in the stables. There's something even comically touching about our unlikely hero's tepid sex fantasies targeting the kindly young wife (Jessica Green) who's been forced to share his room along with her husband (Gregory Steinbruner) as they await sail for a better life in Canada. Crawford does an estimable job of relating the warmth underneath Smith's frozen formality. Stiffly attired, he cuts a pleasantly contradictory path as the preachy, parson-like figure, whose solitary zigzag no doubt conveys deeper meaning to those already acquainted with the fullness of Crace's story. Charles McNulty (Links: The Village Voice, review from New York Times, Nytheatre, Soho Rep, Offbway, photo: Nelson Rockwood)
Dec 2002 FRESH TRACKS, Completing the program is Tami Stronach’s Mother Tongue, which is inspired by the sounds of the Persian Language. The language, once spoken by the choreographer but subsequently forgotten, reemerges in the form of a movement vocabulary. (Links: DANCE THEATER WORKSHOP)
"Roman Ruins," by Philippe Minyana, translated by Philomena Nowlin. A play with poetry and dance ("Les Ruines Romaines") that is a prominent example of the modern
movement in French writing called "les moins que rien," a name coined by Bertrant Visage, editor of La Nouvelle Revue Francaise, to describe the "less than nothing"
writers whose subject is the minutia of everyday existence. This play is about schoolteachers, two men and a woman, in provincial France. It's a movement away from the
"heroic" or "monumental" works of Cocteau and Sartre. Directed by Nowlin. Features Letty Ferrer (daughter of Jose Ferrer and Uta Hagen), Steve Fitzmaurice, Peter
Gaitens and two dancers, Sally Hess and Tami Stronach. An American and New York Premiere.
STERN: Sie waren elf Jahre alt, als Sie Ihre erste Filmrolle bekamen. Standen Sie seither mal wieder vor der Kamera?
STRONACH: Leider nicht. Meine Eltern waren absolut gegen die Schauspielerei. Sie sind Archäologen. Und wie das mit Wissenschaftlern nun mal ist: Sie haben einen Horror vor Hollywood. Sie wollten, daß ich eine ganz normale Kindheit habe, ohne Starallüren.
STERN: Hatten Sie keine Angst vor der Arbeit mit den Stars?
STRONACH: Nein. Ich liebte es schon als Vierjährige im Kindergarten, in andere Rollen zu schlüpfen, mich zu produzieren.
STERN: Wie ist man damals auf Sie aufmerksam geworden?
STRONACH: Meine Schauspiellehrerin aus der Schule kannte zufällig die Produzentin und empfahl mich. Die kam dann ein paarmal vorbei und schaute bei den Proben zu - und bingo.
STERN: Was haben Sie sich von Ihrer Gage gekauft?
STRONACH: Es war nicht sehr viel, meine Eltern waren leider keine sehr gewieften Manager. Sie haben das Geld für mich auf einem Sparkonto angelegt, und später habe ich davon eine Europareise gemacht. Heute jedenfalls ist nichts mehr übrig.
STERN: War es nicht schwer, nach der aufregenden Filmarbeit wieder das ganz normale Mädchen zu sein?
STRONACH: Nein. Ich habe auch gar nicht mitbekommen, was mir damals entgangen ist. Meine Eltern haben mir nie was von neuen Angeboten erzählt. Heute erst weiß ich, daß sogar aus Japan, Deutschland und Frankreich Anfragen kamen. Aber meine Eltern kümmerten sich schließlich um eine geheime Telefonnummer, und die Leute konnten uns nicht mehr finden.
STERN: Sind Sie Ihren Eltern dafür nicht böse?
STRONACH: Natürlich denke ich heute, daß mich der Hollywood-Rummel nicht arrogant oder drogensüchtig gemacht hätte, wie es ja bei vielen Kinderstars ist. Wer weiß das schon. Meine Eltern hätten mir einfach mehr vertrauen sollen. Ich war ein recht vernünftiges Mädchen und ziemlich klar im Kopf. Aber ich kann ihre Vorsicht auch verstehen. Sie wollten für mich eine akademische Karriere.
STERN: Aus der ist nun aber auch nichts geworden...
STRONACH: Nach dem College wollte ich schon Archäologin werden. Aber dann nahm ich mir ein Jahr frei und fuhr mit Interrail-Paß und Freund durch Europa, um mir darüber im klaren zu werden, was ich wirklich mit meinem Leben anfangen will. In Venedig wußte ich es blitzartig: Tanzen ist meine Leidenschaft. Schon als Kind ging ich mehrmals in der Woche zum Ballett. Und so bin ich heute Tänzerin und habe eine eigene Tanztruppe.
STERN: Und was ist mit der Schauspielerei?
STRONACH: Nebenbei nehme ich noch Schauspielunterricht. und natürlich würde ich mich über eine kleine Rolle riesig freuen. Gerade vergangene Woche habe ich Bernd Eichinger angerufen, den ich noch von früher kenne. Aber in Amerika gibt es Tausende von arbeitslosen Schauspielern. Immerhin habe ich jetzt endlich einen Agenten gefunden, der mir bei der Suche nach Filmrollen hilft.
STERN: Von was leben Sie?
STRONACH: Ich bin aus 700 Tänzern ausgewählt worden, für eine Dance Company zu arbeiten. Toller Job - bringt acht Dollar die Stunde. Aber als Tänzer kann man davon leben, deshalb sind wir auch alle so dünn. Im Ernst: Ich lebe in einer winzigen Wohnung und kaufe meine Klamotten nur second hand. Und ab und zu unterrichte ich als Fitneß-Trainerin privat und bekomme dafür 50 Dollar die Stunde. Ich bin kein Luxusweib, irgendwie komme ich schon durch.
Mit Tami Stronach sprach STERN-Mitarbeiterin Fatima Parsons.
Bravo 20/84 (10.5.1984), S. 86, 87,
gescannt u.a. von Noodle:
Bild 2
Audienz bei der Kindlichen Kaiserin, Cinema Heft 72, Nr. 5/84 (10.5.1984), S. 88, 89 + Titelblatt